I watched Mulholland Drive for the third time tonight. I still have no idea what it's about or what happens in the movie, but I highly suggest that you see it. For having almost no coherent plot whatsoever, it's amazing the range of emotions it evokes. There is one scene in that movie that scares me more than anything I've ever seen in any of the hundreds of horror movies I've seen. Not to say that Mulholland Drive is a horror movie, because it isn't. Just see it. Make sure you watch it straight through, though, because it's not nearly as good if you stop in the middle of it.
Another thing you should try is obtaining a copy of Black One by the band Sunn O))) and a decent sound system with a subwoofer (if you can't get a subwoofer, don't even bother). Turn the stereo up so that it's as loud as you can listen to it without being painful, then turn it up one more notch. Put the album in, start the album, then lay on the floor next to the subwoofer until the album is over. This works best in a completely dark room.If you can't handle the whole album, just listen to the last track. If that's still too much, listen to about the 8 or 9 minute mark at least. If you don't leave that experience with a new understanding of music and sound, there is something wrong with you.