Wednesday, October 12, 2005


In the Aftermath

Hard to admit, but once again in the same circumstance. You would think that after everything there would be progress, but the prevailing winds have brought back the human happenstance. There was the wind-up, the sales pitch, not unlike the squadron of parasites roaming the circuits, the wires, the satellite network airwaves in search of a commission, entering your home through an earpiece uninvited, offering you a service that sounds so complete...

But one you do not need.

It would be so attractive, so enticing, were it not the fact that...I have been here too many times before. And here, post-purchase, oh it looked so much more colorful so much more complementary to this fast fix easy fix gratify instant lunch on the run super glue, drying in only 17 seconds, than it did when I got it home.

Do the fallen angels earn a percentage every time I fail?
Do they sit in boardrooms, charting my transgressing habits?
Do they get raises for meeting their quotas?

The desire gives birth to fruition, which gives birth to the empty, which gives birth to guilt which gives birth to dissatisfaction, which gives birth to a hunger for more.

We have been here before.

So in the aftermath I sit on the sidelines once more. Knowing I don't have to return. Knowing there is something more.

It is the cry of my be anywhere but here.

by Andrew Schwab, from his book Do Not Disturb

Friday, October 07, 2005

Oh man, first real post!

Listening to: "Cavity King" - Project 86

So I went to the Project 86 show downtown last night. Oh man, I love that band so much. Seriously, if you don't have the new album yet, go buy it. Anyway, concert. Last night was the fourth time I'd seen them, and it also happened to be the best show I've seen. As in best show ever. Granted, I usually say that everytime I go to a concert, but this time I probably mean it. My sister and I painted skulls on our faces because of something Andrew said on the band's tour journal like a year ago (photos of us coming soon). We got weird looks for it, but it was so worth it because we got free CD samplers, a free Rockstar energy drink, and best of all Andrew Schwab himself stuck the microphone in my face. In all the times I've seen them, I've never seen him put the microphone in anybody's face, but this time he stuck it in mine. Definitely a highlight of my life. Unfortunately we had to leave early, so we missed the last half of "The Hand, The Furnace, The Straight Face", "Stein's Theme", and "Another Boredom Movement", which is pretty lame, especially since I've never seen them play "Another Boredom Movement" live. Oh well. I bought a shirt and their DVD for $20, which is awesome. I can't wait to watch the DVD with my sister tonight. I better be in the Sonshine footage, or I will probably cry.

Okay, so I've talked about music, and now it's time to talk about faith. Andrew said something between songs last night that I really needed - "I've realized that the only thing that really matters in this life is Jesus. It's as simple as that." I've been straying quite a bit lately, and apart from this morning, I can't even tell you the last time I read more than a couple verses out of a Bible. My life is in need of some serious change right now. Anyone who wants to give me some prayer is more than welcome to it.

Well, that about wraps it up for right now. I gotta head off to work in about five minutes, and then come home and program for a couple hours because I waited two weeks until to today to do my Visual Basic homework for tomorrow. Stupid 6 1/2 hour Saturday classes... anyway, goodbye for now. Maybe I will update this more than my other blog. Don't count on it, though.