Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Age of Reptiles Is Upon Us

Which means the new Showbread album came out today, and you should all go buy it. Or at least listen to the whole thing here. If you run out and buy it this week, then either e-mail the band a picture of the receipt or bring it to a show, you will be "rewarded in a grand way. a very grand way", in the words of the band. for more info. Another incentive to buy it soon is that there are lyric misprints in one of the songs, and the track listing on the back of the case is slightly off. The next pressing of the album will fix those mistakes, which means that you'll have an extra awesome, rare copy if you buy it now.

Also, more people should go see Showbread with me on the 14th of August. It will be a sweet, sweet show.


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